Carbine OG video updateRluxcustomsMar 14, 20211 min read STATUS UPDATE ---A little word form the RLUX Customs team on what will you get and shipping schedule for the Carbine OG Blue.---#toys#arttoy#quiccs#chkdsk#Carbine #ResinToys#rluxcustoms #mechawillrise#bulletpunkfamily#bulletpunknetwork #bulletpunkuniverse
STATUS UPDATE ---A little word form the RLUX Customs team on what will you get and shipping schedule for the Carbine OG Blue.---#toys#arttoy#quiccs#chkdsk#Carbine #ResinToys#rluxcustoms #mechawillrise#bulletpunkfamily#bulletpunknetwork #bulletpunkuniverse